2014年12月26日 星期五



A caravel is a small, highly maneuverable sailing ship developed in the 15th century by the Portuguese to explore along the West African coast and into the Atlantic Ocean. 

The lateen sails gave her speed and the capacity for sailing to windward. 

Caravels were much used by the Portuguese for the oceanic exploration voyages during the 15th and 16th centuries in the age of discovery.
 Due to its lighter weight and thus greater speed,Due to its lighter weight and thus greater speed, the caravel was a boon to sailors. Early caravels generally carried two or three masts with lateen sails, while later types had four masts. Early caravels such as the caravela tilhada of the 15th century had an average length of between 12 and 18 m , an average capacity of 40 to 50 tons, a high length-to-beam ratio of around 3.5 to 1, and narrow ellipsoidal frame.making them very fast and maneuverable but with somewhat low capacity. 

2014年11月20日 星期四


Gebre Mesqel Lalibela

King Lalibela was born at either Adefa or Roha (it was later named Lalibela after him) in Bugna . He was given the name "Lalibela" due to a swarm of bees

 said to have surrounded him at his birth, which his mother took as a sign of his future reign as Emperor of Ethiopia .

He want to building a new Jerusalem

And River Jordan 

He building "Monolithic Church of Lalibela"

2014年10月30日 星期四

Caesar Augustus

Caesar Augustus 

Augustus 23 September 63 BC – 19 August 14 AD
First Emperor in Roman

Domination Roman 43 years

After Actium battle,

 Octavian has cleared all obstacles to his progress. After years of civil war after Rome, has become almost no national law, but Roman and unwilling to accept an autocratic monarch. Octavian very smart. First, he disbanded the army, elections. Results Octavian highest executive elected consul, namely the Roman Republic. 27 years ago, in his official position to repay the political situation and the Senate to make their forces in Egypt. Senate not only refused his request, but also granted him the right to rule of Spain, Gaul, Syria - This is the richest provinces of the Roman troops. Immediately, the Senate granted its "Augustus" (Augustus) No. 

The Roman Senate decided that he be included in the ranks of the "God"
And will be referred to as "Augustus" month in 

He shrewdly combined military might, institution-building and lawmaking to become Rome's sole ruler, laying the foundations of the 200-year Pax Romana (Roman Peace) and an empire that lasted, in various forms, for nearly 1,500 years.
Early twentieth-century German Emperor Kaiser and the Czar No. Tsar numbers are derived from his name

2014年9月21日 星期日




Hatshepsut The Woman Who Was King 1473–1458 BC

Thutmose had three sons and two daughters by his great wife, only one of these children was alive when he died: the twelve-year-old Hatshepsut. Thutmose did have a son by a minor wife, also called Thutmose, and to strengthen his claim to the throne, this son was married to Hatshepsut.
However, Thutmose II suffered from poor health and reigned for only fourteen years. He left a daughter by Hatshepsut and a son, again called Thutmose, by Isis, a harem girl.

It is possible that Thutmose II realized Hatshepsut was ambitious for power because he proclaimed the young Thutmose his successor. But when he died Thutmose III was still a child, and his aunt and stepmother, Hatshepsut, acted as regent for him.


To support her cause, Hatshepsut claimed that the god Amun had taken the form of her father and visited her mother, and she herself was the result of this divine union. As the self-proclaimed daughter of God, she further justified her right to the throne by declaring that the god Amun-Ra had spoken to her, saying, “Welcome my sweet daughter, my favorite, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Maatkare, Hatshepsut. Thou art the king, taking possession of the Two Lands.”

Hatshepsut dressed as a king, even affecting a false beard, but it was never her intention to pass herself off as a man; rather, she referred to herself as the “female falcon.” Her success was due, at least in part, to the respect of the people for her father’s memory and the loyal support of influential officials who controlled all the key positions of government.

Economic and Trade
During her rule, the Egyptian economy flourished; she expanded trading relations and dispatched a major sea-borne expedition to the land of Punt, on the African coast at the southernmost end of the Red Sea.

Hatshepsut launched an extensive building program, repairing the damage wrought by the invading Hyksos and building magnificent temples. She renovated her father’s hall in the Temple of Karnak, erecting four great obelisks nearly 100 feet (30m) tall, and added a chapel. But her greatest achievement was her mortuary temple at Deir el Bahri, one of the most beautiful temples in Egypt. She called it the ‘Most Sacred of Sacred Places’. The walls were illustrated with a colorful account of the trading expedition to Punt, featuring images of ships and of the marching army led by her general, Nehsi. From the drawings we can see that the expedition brought back many wonderful things including gold, ebony, animal skins, baboons, and refined myrrh, as well as living myrrh trees that were then planted around the temple. The walls at Deir el Bahri also depict the houses of the people of Punt and an image of its obese 
Hatshepsut's Tomb